Thank you so much to each of you who responded to our announcment with prayers and words of encouragement! We are so blessed with tremendous family and friends! Several of you requested to be kept updated on the adoption process, so we have decided to blog in order to keep our freinds and family in the loop and track God's miracles along the way. We will start from the beginning to fill you on on how the decision came about and then from there, will just post when there is something to share. Adoption is a long process so there will be times when we will update you often and times of waiting. We really appreciate all the wonderful emails and words of support from so many of you and we are really excited to share the journey with you, so, here it goes...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Picnic in the Park

Let us introduce our new friend "C". Her name is Christina and we had the opportunity to meet up with her and her parents for a picnic in the park last Tuesday evening.  They were so sweet and made the long trek to meet us closer to our side of town so that we could make it there for dinner after I got off work.

It was so great to sit down with her and her family and learn more about their journey!  God has done some amazing things in their lives and their stories increased our faith and hope in what God is doing here!

We are really looking forward to the next couple months with Christina!  She is an amazing woman and is a blessing in our lives! Her baby boy is doing really well and Christina said that he is a very active little guy!  We are really looking forward to meeting him in a few months!

Christina has invited us to attend her doctors appointments so we will be attending one with her next month.  We are excited to hear his little heartbeat!