Thank you so much to each of you who responded to our announcment with prayers and words of encouragement! We are so blessed with tremendous family and friends! Several of you requested to be kept updated on the adoption process, so we have decided to blog in order to keep our freinds and family in the loop and track God's miracles along the way. We will start from the beginning to fill you on on how the decision came about and then from there, will just post when there is something to share. Adoption is a long process so there will be times when we will update you often and times of waiting. We really appreciate all the wonderful emails and words of support from so many of you and we are really excited to share the journey with you, so, here it goes...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's a Match!

Kurtis got the call early yesterday morning that C picked us! (If you're really confused right now, you can check out our last post before reading on).

We are so excited that we may be parents to a little boy in a short few months! C is due June 29th.

She would like us to attend doctor's appointments with her and we are looking forward to the opportunity to get to know her and her family better! God is good and we know he has a good plan for C, this little baby, and for us.

Emily & Kurtis

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just a meeting, or much, much more?

So exactly two weeks ago, on March 11th, we received the call we had been keeping our phones off of silent for :o) I was sitting in a meeting with my team at work when Kurtis called me. I didn't answer since I was in a meeting. My phone rang again and I started to wonder why he was calling. By the third phone call I knew something must be up, so I excused myself from the meeting and and answered the phone. The words I heard from Kurtis made my heart jump! "We just got a very interesting call from the agency...". He proceeded to tell me that a young expectant mother saw our profile and chose us to meet with her to discuss a possible adoption plan. He filled me in on the rest of the details in the next few minutes and I hung up the phone and walked back into my meeting (although I don't think I heard a thing that was said for the rest of it).

The last 20 minutes of my school day seemed to take forever! As soon as I said bye to my students, Kurtis and I hopped on a conference call with our agency to tell them that we would love to meet this woman (who I will refer to as "C" for now). We found out on the phone together that she is due on June 29th and is having a boy! I think Kurtis was especially excited about this news! We set up an appointment to meet with her in two weeks, which just so happens to be today.

After a long two weeks of questions and excitement, we took an hour drive this morning to meet with "C", her mother, and an agency representative. I was quite nervous to meet her! Kurtis seemed pretty chill about it (although I know he was at least a little nervous too!). As we got closer and closer to the meeting place my heart started beating faster and faster. What would she be like? What will she think of us?

We sat in the waiting room for awhile keeping ourselves busy with silly jokes and a little pamphlet reading. We were eventually invited back to meet "C". That walk through the office seemed to take forever! As we walked down the hall, I did my best to prepare myself to just be myself. It is so tempting to try to be who you think they will want you to be. I took these last few minutes to let that go and let God have control.

Although we were nervous as we entered the room, we felt a little more at ease just getting to meet her. She is a beautiful young lady with a very sweet smile and heart! We spent the next two hours with her and her mom, sharing life stories, answering questions about our hopes and dreams for our child, and hearing about hers. About half way through the nerves started to subside and we became more like family. (At least that is how I felt). It is amazing how you can have such love in your heart for someone when you have only known them for about an hour, but I can't describe it any other way! She has been through some really difficult times, but is amazingly courageous and has a very strong love for her child. Love so deep that she knows that making an adoption plan for him is the best thing she could do. In the past she has made some poor life decisions, but I really admire her determination to now run back to Jesus!

The two hours went by way too quickly and we soon had to say goodbye. The meeting ended with a very touching prayer from "C's" mom and lots of hugs. We stepped out of the room and were told that they will give her some time to pray and decide if we are the couple she wants to place her baby with. We should receive a call in a few days with the news. After such a bond was made, it is really strange to think that we may never see her again. One thing that Kurtis and I are confident about is that this was no accidental meeting. We will continue to pray for "C" for freedom and peace and for this precious baby she carries inside! We know that God is carrying her and this precious baby boy and we are so thankful for that!

We will update our blog when we hear from our agency. We would really appreciate your prayers for peace and patience during this time and prayers for wisdom, peace, and strength for "C". She has a tough road ahead of her no matter what decision she makes!


Emily & Kurtis