Thank you so much to each of you who responded to our announcment with prayers and words of encouragement! We are so blessed with tremendous family and friends! Several of you requested to be kept updated on the adoption process, so we have decided to blog in order to keep our freinds and family in the loop and track God's miracles along the way. We will start from the beginning to fill you on on how the decision came about and then from there, will just post when there is something to share. Adoption is a long process so there will be times when we will update you often and times of waiting. We really appreciate all the wonderful emails and words of support from so many of you and we are really excited to share the journey with you, so, here it goes...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Decision Made

After a very long week we sat down with Hayley yesterday to discuss the plan for baby Savannah. As you know, we have been praying that God would give Hayley and us guidance as to what would be the best thing for this precious little one. We really know that God provided that direction for all of us. After many days of questioning, Hayley decided that it would be best for her to keep her baby. We were not surprised by her decision at all. Hayley is in a much different place right now than she was 6 months ago when she found us. She has support around her that wasn't there before.

We spent some time with her celebrating what God has done to provide for all of us and celebrating this new life and new friendship we have found! Although I am sure we will have moments of grief over the loss of what might have been, we are really at peace with how it all worked out. We have no regrets about building a relationship with this mom and are planning on staying in touch and being a part of this little baby girl's life as she grows!

Thank you so much for all your sweet comments, encouraging phone calls, meals, and prayers over the past couple weeks and months! It has been an amazing journey so far and we are really excited to see where God leads us next! The next step is to write a "matchletter" to birthparents that will go in the adoption books at all the local Crisis Pregnancy Centers. From that point we wait to receive a call to either meet a birthmom before she is due or pick up a baby from the hospital. We will keep you informed when things begin to happen.

Until then, please pray for Hayley and baby Savannah as they adjust to life together, pray for wisdom for us as we seek out the next path God will lead us down on this adoption journey, and please pray for protection for whatever little one he is preparing for our family. Thank you!


Emily and Kurtis

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Her Grand Entrance - 9/4/09

As most of you know, Hayley went into labor on Thursday night and her little baby was born at 3:29 a.m. on Friday, September 4th! She weighed 7lbs 12oz and was 20 1/2 in. long. Hayley named her Savannah Renee. Hayley was very sick during the delivery and is still in the hospital with pneumonia in both lungs. They are doing lots of tests to figure out what is going on with her. Because Hayley has been so sick she has not been able to spend very much time with Savannah. We have been able to go in the nursery and hold her a few times, but we wear masks just in case; since we were exposed to whatever Hayley has. Please pray for this little one that she is getting all the love she needs right now in that nursery. The nurses seem to be really sweet, but I wish we could be there more to hold her!

We have only been spending a couple hours a day at the hospital, as we are trying to give Hayley the space she needs during this time. We have gathered from her that she is still very unsure about her decision about adoption. Some complications that have come up are making it even harder for her to choose adoption. As we have said many times, we trust that Hayley will do the best thing for that baby and we trust God for grace and strength when that decision is made. The earliest an official decision can be made is Tuesday after the long holiday weekend. She does not have to make a decision at that point. It is looking like she is going to be in the hospital for awhile and so she may wait until it is time to go home to decide whether or not she is taking the baby with her.

We ask that you pray for Hayley for healing in her body! She is feeling so sick and really wants to be spending time with her baby. Pray for wisdom for her in her decision making. Pray that this precious baby will be held and cared for even when we can't be there doing it for her. Pray for strength for us. Every time Kurtis and I think that some sort of resolution is coming, it seems to stretch on further. We are pretty worn out. God has been providing for us and we know He will continue.
Thank you for your prayers and encourging words! We feel very blessed!
Kurt and Em